Welcome to the Aid Management Platform (AMP) of Senegal, administered by the Directorate for Economic and Financial Cooperation (DCEF); Ministry of Economy, Finaces and Planning. This site provides public access to information on all development projects funded by the government and/or Development Partners (DPs) in Senegal. Check out the achievements of the various DPs and their support to the Government of Senegal, read donor and sectors profiles, use the map to see exactly where projects and programs are located, and view detailed reports on a wide range of trends of Official Development Assistance. Providing public access to information on aid projects and programs in Senegal is part of the government's commitment to aid transparency, accountability and effectiveness. The government itself uses the AMP as part of its public finance management system, with data informing the national budget and planning.

The information you can see is provided both by the Government of Senegal (line ministries) and donors. Data include on-budget projects, ie projects for which funding is done through the Government's system; and off-budget projects, ie projects for which funding is not going through the national budget.

The system is used by the Government of Senegal and Development Partners to ensure that aid goes where interventions are needed, that efforts are coordinated, and that projects and programs are implemented effectively.